Macroetch Exam

We offer a wide variety of macroetch exam services to help you understand the metallic properties of materials. Our highly-skilled experts are ready to assist with anything—from simple quality checks to more complex failure investigations.

Fully equipped Metallurgical laboratory.

Macroetch testing assesses the quality of a surface or material. This technique uses optical light and magnification to reveal surface characteristics, as well as any flaws, fractures, or discontinuities. At On•Time Labs, we offer quality macroetch testing services to get you the results you can trust, when you need them the most, delivered on YOUR timeline.

Accurate and Reliable Results You Can Trust

Whether you are seeking a macroetch exam as part of a routine quality inspection or you are investigating a potential defect or failure, On•Time Labs is ready to assist you. We provide several methods for macroetch testing, and we’ll use the size of the material and the desired standard to determine the most suitable approach. Our team will work with you to discover the best etching methods to achieve your project goals, ultimately providing you with reliable results you can trust.

What a Macroetch Exam Can Reveal

Through optical light and magnification (up to 1000x), or through a mixture of chemicals and compounds, our lab can uncover many material characteristics, structural elements, and potential defects. A few of the features we can explore by performing a macroetch exam include corrosion, surface discontinuities, forging defects, fractures, banding, and other properties. Our macroetch services, performed in accordance with ASTM E340, can give you the information you need to complete the quality check or to better understand the root of a potential defect. We encourage you to contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Contact Us

On•Time Labs offers comprehensive macroetch exam services nationwide. Call (971) 284-0184 today to learn more.